Wolfmother’s Gypsy Caravan Tour rocks the Trocadero with an unforgettable performance

By Andrea Ramirez-Maciolek, Rock At Night Philadelphia Correspondent

Venue: Trocadero, Philadelphia-March 4, 2016

The hard rockers from down under invaded Philly with their retro-glitz Gypsy Caravan Tour. They brought with them an unforgettable show only to leave us howling for more. When it comes to Wolfmother, there is no description to fit their musical style. They are pure, tasteful hard rock with the synonymous sound of yesterday’s music, the yesterday that brings back the feel good vibes of the 60’s and 70’s rock era. Their music is melodically driven, packed with the punch of stylish riffs very much in cohesion to their on stage charisma. The energetic stage presence of singer Andrew Stockdale, multi-tasker keyboardist and bassist Ian Peres, and drummer Alex Carapetis is highly contagious as you find yourself dancing and gyrating to the rock sounds that only Wolfmother can make unique. What better way to welcome Wolfmother on stage than with the sound of howling fans mimicking a pack of wolves awaiting the arrival of their pack leaders! Wolfmother opened the show with their song Victorious, a song from their current fourth studio album “Victorious”.

Three songs into the set and the band treated us to their song Woman, from their self titled debut album “Wolfmother”. Woman was the single that brought them stardom in the US and sealed them with a well deserved Grammy. You cannot deny that their songs are memorable with musical content that only legendary rock bands are known for. Wolfmother has all the right ingredients and stage attitude to grant them staying power and label them as the sound of today’s rock and roll. Wolfmother rocked the Trocadero stage with Andrew’s curly locks glowing against the spotlight as he danced across the stage while Ian jumped on top of his keyboard going back and forth between keyboard and bass throughout the night. We love Wolfmother on so many different levels. They have layers upon layers of talent- sound wise, lyrical wise, attitude wise, style wise, and performance wise. It is impossible to not appreciate them and respect them for honest music.

Even though the dark, low key moodiness of the Trocadero made for difficult photo conditions it definitely made for an intimate evening that had everyone enjoying good atmosphere and good music. Wolfmother ended the night with my favorite song, Joker and the Thief as the crowd went insane. The pack leaders treated us to yet their most energized performance of the night. As the band walked off stage to conquer the next ‘wolf pack’ on the leg of their tour it was sad to see an amazing night come to an end. Wolfmother is no frills rock and roll! Simply put, they’re unforgettable and if they come to a town near you do not miss out and make sure to catch them live. You will be happy to know that true rock and roll, in its pure essence, is still alive today in the heart and soul of Wolmother.



Wolfmother at Trocadero, Philadelphia on March 4, 2016



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Andrea Ramirez Maciolek
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