By Desh Kapur, Rock At Night Manchester
Venue: Liverpool Academy -November 16th, 2018

I arrived at the venue just in time to check out support act of the night, Lady Bird. This band had the biggest challenge – to play before Slaves, whose reputation for one of the best live shows around is legendary (more on that later).
Let’s just say they took it in their stride, with their very own brand of post punk; thrashing guitars, pounding drums, intermingled with pumping organ. Add in lyrics with something to say and the vocal styling of lead singer Sam Cox (a mixture of Mike Skinner and Joe Strummer). Throw in the energy and aggression of guitarist Alex Deadman and you had a 100 mile an hour, very impressive live gig. I couldn’t help but imagine this in a small sweaty venue, it would need to come with a public health warning. By the time they finished the room was full and more than amped for the main event. Nice work!
As per usual at a live show, the lights go out, the music starts and the band walk on to the stage and in that respect Slaves were no different. But from then on in it was very much Slaves doing it their way.

Slaves are a 2 piece from Kent consisting of Isaac Holman on Vocals and Drums and Laurie Vincent on Guitar and Vocals. Slaves have their roots firmly set in Punk, but it doesn’t stop there. Mixed with tinges of pop and even hints of the Streets, all served up in a undeniably British way. Isaac’s incredible ability to sing whilst bashing S$%T out of his drum kit, is amazing, Laurie is equally as impressive on the guitar and the sound they put out would be impressive enough if it was produced by a four-piece, never mind a two-piece. But all that aside, they write a great song, with a big shouty catching chorus and lyrics that seem to resonate. The stand out songs on the night were and my personal favourites, “Debbie Where’s Your Car”, “Chokehold” “Fuck The High Hat” (mainly because of the crowd interaction) and last but not least “Cheer Up London”.
From start to finish, the crowd sang and shouted at top of there voices, they moshed and kind of danced and they loved every minute of it and so did I.
Slaves are a great band, very refreshing and much needed in a music landscape that often feels bland, boring and without imagination. Add to this the fact they are exciting and exceptional live, what’s not to love, so if you have the chance to go to a gig in the next 12 months, put Slaves at the top of your list.
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For More Information on the Slaves:
Lady Bird
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