Mostly known for its breathtaking geography and the birthplace of Johnny Cash, The Natural State of Arkansas is also home to industrial, “shock-n-roll” band WHITE COLLAR SIDESHOW. Let’s be honest here and say that I was completely skeptical. I had fallen victim to the pitfalls of geographical stereotype when it comes to music and I should have known better based on my own personal experiences. I am grateful to have been proven wrong by the dynamic sound of husband and wife duo that solely make up WHITE COLLAR SIDESHOW. Drummer and singer TD along with wife VERONICA on the bass are a force to be reckoned with even if there are only two of them creating the same thunderous sound of a 5 piece rock band.
Original in their own right, WHITE COLLAR SIDESHOW can be compared to White Zombie with a millennial edge. Transitioning and gathering inspiration through the rock generation of the 80’s, 90’s, and the millennium, their love of zombies, and film have allowed WHITE COLLAR SIDESHOW to produce their own unique brand of music and visuals. I recently had the honor of chatting with drummer TD about a lot of great things ahead for them. The band, which was mostly DIY, has recently signed with CURTAIN CALL RECORDS. Their latest album, I DIDN’T COME HERE TO DIE, will be released in October backed by a long list of tour dates.
Veronica, White Collar Sideshow
As music fans we often forget that our favorite bands are not objects programmed to create music just for our listening pleasure . In the interview, TD brings the real music experience back down to a human level detailing the trials, hard work, and rewards of the life of a band on the road. You begin to gain a greater respect for the life of a musician as you listen to the interview.
An impressive story teller with southern hospitality at its best, TD outlines the adventures of a dedicated husband and wife team living on the road to bring music to their family of listeners in the US and abroad. Check out our incredibly insightful and inspirational interview below. Make sure to support WHITE COLLAR SIDESHOW by checking out their live shows and donating to their musical cause so that they may continue to bring awesome music to the masses.
Rock At Night Interview With TD Of White Collar Sideshow:
I'm a photojournalist who is passionate about music. I love the adrenaline of shooting live concerts. Photography has given me the opportunity to photograph some of today's most legendary bands, and entertainers. When I'm not photographing music you can find me on the runway shooting New York, London, and Philadelphia Fashion Week. I am also a contributing photographer at Getty Images.