Sofi Tukker’s Runaway Livestream Parties on Twitch–Are You a Member of the FreakFam Yet?

Sofi Tukker
Sofi Tukker

By Anita Stewart, Managing Editor

Jan 9, 2021

OK, I have to confess that YES, I am a member of the Freak Fam! The Freak Fam are the die hard supporters and fans of the electronic pop/dance duo, Sofi Tukker. These musicians have broken live-streaming records (5th most livestreamed act this year) based on their well publicized shows that they have continually performed since the Covid lock-down started. Their platform of choice is Twitch and the shows start every day at 1 PM EST. If you haven’t heard about this band and their daily livestreams, what rock have you been living under?

The daily shows are linked up on the band’s other socials, such as Facebook, Twitter and the story feature on Instagram. The shows are FREE unless one wants to donate to the band or buy their very colorful and tropical themed merch–one just signs up on Twitch and there are reminders in one’s email inbox before the shows start! This past Wednesday, January 6th 2021 the band celebrated their 300th show. (What the band learned after 100 days of livestreaming shows). The band has also participated in online music festivals.

Sophie + Tucker = Sofi Tukker

Since the touring ended in March of 2020, musicians have been struggling to be seen and heard, been looking for and finding ingenious ways to continue gigging so they can pay the bills and no doubt it has been challenging for most. This is one band who created their own formula and it worked for them! They also have guest spots on their shows with other Twitch artists such as Mary Droppinz, BynonOfficial, LPGiobbi and other up and coming musicians.

Another thing Sofi Tukker did to soften the blow of a forced scaling down was move. They changed their living situation by selling their old, tropical style house in the Rancho Park neighborhood of Los Angeles and moved across the country to West Palm Beach in Florida and bought another tropically themed house to establish a home base, play music and party in. And a perfect backdrop for their live shows on Twitch.

This writer has been following the band for several years now. Whenever you hear Sofi Tukker, it is a musical PAR-TAY! The band’s layered sounds from synths, guitar and percussion are infectious! They are also captivated by Brazilian and Bossa Nova rhythms, so that makes for a unique layer to their music. Anyone listening has to MOVE! One of their latest songs, “House Arrest” is about the Covid lockdowns. Their music is not just for dancing, but driving music, cleaning the house music, singing along music…and more descriptives could be added. I just drove to the store with my partner as we listened to the song “Purple Hat” and I told him I wanted to go to the club and dance all night! And I am a senior citizen–could I possibly be the oldest member of their online Facebook meeting place; the Freak Fam group?

The band is Sophie Hawley-Weld and Tucker Halpern who met while they were still in college. Tucker was well on his way to becoming a pro basketball player until he was injured and was forced to change his career. Sophie was also going to school, studying Portuguese and Conflict Resolution and spending time in Rio. They were both attending an art show when they met, connected and decided to write music together. Now, after world-wide touring and being known for their energizing live shows, being nominated for Grammys, having their songs used in commercials, constantly recording, mastering the use of social media to promote what they are doing–they are taking the world by storm! And doing it almost all online right now! I want more!






Anita Stewart
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