By Connor Shelton, Rock At Night St. Louis
Review: Dream Theater’s video for “Transcending Time”-January 26, 2022
America’s premier progressive metal band, Dream Theater, are set to kick off their Top of the World tour on February 2nd, and in an effort to promote the tour, have released a new video for the song “Transcending Time.”
ROCK AT NIGHT SAYS: Tapping into the spirited energy of ‘80s Rush, Dream Theater offer up a bright, poppy single without neutering their hard-hitting sound. Though the song wears its musical influence on its sleeve, “Transcending Time” never sounds derivative of the much-beloved Canadian trio considering the varied synth textures, John Petrucci’s signature guitar tone, and James Labrie’s rich vocal. Factor in the relaxed, soothing atmosphere of the video (which was entirely created with CGI by Wayne Joyner), and you have an exquisite reminder to revisit 2021’s ‘A View from the Top of the World’. Watch the video below.
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