The Patina Turners, a self-proclaimed “surf rockabilly” band hailing from Fort Myers, Florida, are featured in Rock At Night’s Fall 2022 – FESTIVAL print issue. We caught up with the band recently at Tampa’s New World Brewery as well as surf-gothabilly band Black Valley Moon. You can see some of the live photos in our gallery, including an impromptu band shoot on the patio.
Be sure to check out their new album What’s Rust Got To Do With It at Spotify below:
I grew up in a household full of rock music, studied journalism in college, and then became a scientist.Although my science career has served me well, music has always played a major role in my life. I grew up reading "Creem" magazine; I play several musical instruments as a "hobby";and it seems a camera has always been in my hand. Now, I am combining what I love the most--music and photography--serving as editor of Rock At Night. I travel between the US and UK seeking my dream! My motto: life is regrets. Chyrisse