By Ljubinko Zivkovic, Rock At Night Amsterdam
Review: Spiral XP And TV Star EP-Release date February 2, 2024
We can see (and hear) when members of different bands join forces into a new musical group, but combining two full bands into one musical conglomerate is not such an usual occurrence.
Yet, that is what two Seattle bands, Spiral XP and TV Star have done for this joint EP.
The two bands met in the post-Covid era on the Seattle music scene, playing shows in similar circles and releasing music around the same time.
TVXP – a four song collaborative EP between Seattle bands TV Star and Spiral XP
After developing a bond through their similar trajectories and becoming fast friends, the bands have put their minds together to release a 4-song collaborative EP, a collective effort of both bands to create a cohesive musical experience that embodies and does justice to the many diverse influences that guide them both.
And these influences are firmly grounded in the realm of the best shoegaze and indie rock bands that preceded them, from My Bloody Valentine, Lilys, Pixies, Dinosaur Jr and quite a few. others.
Actually, the tow band blend all these influences quite seamlessly on the four tracks here, that can possibly lead to some even better results in the future.
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