Review: Greek rock band LOW TREBLE’s debut single “The Old New”

Low Treble. Photo by Jannis Tomtsis

By Chyrisse Tabone, Rock At Night Tampa

Review: Low Treble’s debut single “The Old New” – Release date April 30, 2021

Low Treble’s ‘The Old New’

On a lazy Saturday morning Rock At Night decided to check email. We are always inundated with review requests, new music, and general solicitations. One email stood out amongst the rest—and boy, were we glad we read it!  We discovered a band out of Greece called Low Treble which just released their debut single “The Old New” yesterday, April 30th. The band cites influences such as CKY and Death Above 1979, to name a few.

Why did “The Old New” catch our attention? The song is unique and not a cookie-cutter rehash of the same ol’ shit.  Picture 80s Old Wave vocals with a punchy, funky bass line and groove melded with alt rock. Viewing an old video from 2019 of the band on Facebook, they definitely put on high energy shows. It is our guess the band was just getting their band together when COVID 2020 hit.

Well, Rock At Night totally digs this new song. Gimme some more Low Treble!






Chyrisse Tabone, Ph.D.
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