By Connor Shelton, Rock At Night St. Louis
Single/Video Review: Bandicoot’s “Early in the Morning”
With an unabashed sense of pride regarding their Welsh heritage, Bandicoot are set to reclaim for a new generation the stark beauty of John Cale with the release of new single, “Early in the Morning,” from their upcoming debut album Black After Dark.
Rock at Night Says: Mellow and relaxed, “Early in the Morning” is a song that sounds equal parts timeless and modern. Rhys Underdown’s vocals vaguely recall the warm, psychedelic balladry of John Lennon, the composition is drenched in the soothing tone of an electric piano – an instrument heavily featured in 70s soft rock, and the drums cut right through the mix like so much of today’s indie-rock. Despite the familiarity of the elements used in this song, the way in which they’re all brought together marks “Early in the Morning” as distinct. Only Bandicoot could have produced such an expressive track like this. Factor in the video with its simple but welcoming atmosphere, and you have a wonderful tune to revisit throughout the week (or to pop on for a rainy day). Immerse yourself in the video below.
Black After Dark will be released on March 4, 2022 through Libertino Records. You can preorder the album here: https://www.libertinorecords.com/product-page/pre-order-black-after-dark-bandicoot
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