Review: Michigan artist Vinnie’s single ‘Blue Skies’

Single Review


Review: Vinnie’s single “Blue Skies” – Release date April 28, 2023

Detroit newcomer Vinnie released a single “Blue Skies” from his forthcoming album Someday on April 28th. He notes the inspiration comes from his father’s favorite song “Mr. Blue Sky” by ELO, which happens to be a personal favorite. One cannot help but smile and head bop while listening to it.

We gave Vinnie’s song “Blue Skies” a listen. The melody and vocals are carefree, airy, and evoke the positive vibe of a clear sunny day. There is a touch of a vocoder effect, in the vein of ELO’s “Mr. Blue Sky” but it is not overdone. Kudos to the lovely synth riffs and Vinnie’s homage to 70s pure gold.

Check out some of Vinnie’s other music, especially the sweet “My Boy” and rockin’ “Sunlight.”

Post Script: A few days after listening (but before publishing the review), a post script is necessary. For the last three days, I have had an earworm in my head…the melody riff, the lala’s, and “woo woos. That is a sign of an infectious melody.


“Blue Skies” was produced by Super-Producer/Engineer Chuck Alkazian (Pop Evil, Soundgarden, Tantric) at legendary Pearl Sound Studios (Asking Alexandria, Eminem, Filter) Canton, MI.