Review: Lightheaded’s album ‘Combustible Gems’

Album Review


By Ljubinko Zivkovic, Rock At Night Amsterdam

Review:Lightheaded – Combustible Gems – Release date: May 17, 2024

There is something quite irresistible with well-constructed pop, in its any shape or form. The key ingredient there is probably a well-structured melody that carries a song or songs through, and it can be carried through with guitars, synths, or whatever. That is exactly what you get from New Jersey’s Lightheaded on their new album ‘Combustible Gems.’

The trio of Sarah Abdlebarry, guitar, Stephen Stec, another guitar, and Cynthia Rickenbach, vocals and bass don’t go for any big noise or fancy solos – it is all jangly, strumming with vocal harmonies abound and touches of synths or any additional instuments just for good measure.

Of course, it can all sound a bit same-ish and trite if it wasn’t for the trio’s impeccable sense of melody they picked up from such big melody sources like The Go-Betweens, Big Star, or The Clientele, which they seem to combine so easily in their two to three minute melody ditties.

So charming, so easy on the ear, so memorable.





Ljubinko Zivkovic

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